a blog about my travels (and volunteer work later on) through this wonderful world of ours. all 9or most) of it with my ukulele.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
some more Antigua, the lake and yes even cricket
this is Carlos, Leticia (Leti) and Jennifer. little local kids that hang around sometimes. their mother sells wares down the road and they spend days together. lately they have been skateboarding a lot on two boards. other day walked by and Carlos was pushing Leti and Jennifer on the bigger board and got the happiest 'hola' from little Jennifer at the front as they rolled by.
Jennifer. this is one of my favourite photos which i have taken in Guatemala
a Garifuna band came to Antigua a while back in February. played Punta music, Garifuna's mostly live on the Caribbean side.
so we went to the lake again for a bit of relaxation and to just get away for a while.
this is Poida the goiter on Jeremes neck. smile
one of days i decided to shave a mo. it was horrible but i wore it for a day
on the saturday the Buddha Bar played the Dark Side of the Rainbow (Pink Floyds 'dark side of the moon' synched up w/ the Wizard of Oz) and it was brilliant. just so many connections. afterwards Jereme and I went to Freedom to laugh at some trance dancers. this was best photo of the bunch. notice the arms out and head back, w/ a visor upside down.
walking the labyrinth back to our hostel from Buddha Bar
view from our hotel. love the hammocks
and the lake as we said our farewells to it.
back into the swing of things on return tio La Antigua
and we have a call for the third umpire, who is looking to give him out
even had a little chucker join in. afterwards he got bored of bowling and bat was to heavy for him so he started throwing the balls into the pool whenever he got a hold of one
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