a man and his ukulele

a blog about my travels (and volunteer work later on) through this wonderful world of ours. all 9or most) of it with my ukulele.

Monday, January 15, 2007

dennis and the volcano

the coolest thing i have seen on this trip so far... or one of them at least. was climbing up to and seeing Pacaya volcano erupting. you can't describe seeing it. pictures look cool but being there was 1000000000 (give or take a few) times even more impressive.
another cool thing which i appreciate is everytime i walk out of my place here in Antigua all i have to do is look south down the street and looming over the town is a volcano, Agua it's called, and it's extinct so no worries. off to other side can also see two other volcanoes. Fuego still smokes and glows.

Captain Lignoid leads the crew up the volcano.

that be cooled down lava from the volcano as seen from top of a cliff. as the mist came in

see it's mist right behing me coming over a massive section of cooled lava

and this is the view off to other volcanoes. farking awesome hey?

on top of said lava. it has a solid crust but underneath you can still feel the heat from...

... the hot lava just below the surface. we cooked marshmallows on this lava. i also singed some leg hair while we were sitting waiting for the sun to set so we could see this...

and Pacaya goes off.

it was... wow!


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