a man and his ukulele

a blog about my travels (and volunteer work later on) through this wonderful world of ours. all 9or most) of it with my ukulele.

Monday, December 11, 2006

goodbyes to friends

so i went back to El Garitón and Hawaii for my last goodbyes to the are and people i had met. kinda sad after nearly three months in area.

this is Anayansi and David w/ my guitar and ukulele. may give ukulele to David when trip is over. was tempted to give it now as a xmas present but then blog wouldnt be the same, would it? that's their kitchen in the back

Carolina. she is super cute

David w/ the as yet unnamed guitar and me and Anna. that's Fabiana in the back who is Davids aunt... as is Anayansi. the house where they live on left.

Carolina playing shy for the camera. i like this photo

David took this one. camera was facing the wrong way

waiting for the 'camioneta' by main road in El Garitón. Jaime and her little sister came by. smallest one will always hang around but is really shy so will hide behind her sisters. there is usually a third older sister w/ them

small video made in El Garitón w/ Kate and Abby

back in Hawaii, was playing guitar when these three kids came by and hung around. the guitar and ukulele always, always get conversation and attention. it's great to break the ice.

my last sunset in Hawaii as i sat on lookout tower playing w/ Anna. that's Colilla on sand by the sea


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